he's not the riches yet, but he's the rags part of the story where he's comes from nothing. I think his parents were, like, farmers or something grew at poor. Learn how to fly a plane because World War II is coming up, and he doesn't want to be, shooting guns. So he goes into the air force and learns how to fly planes, and he spends the war flying planes. After the war, he's able to save up enough money to buy a cessna. One plane for five thousand dollars. I think he saved up, like, two thousand dollars. He buys a plane, and his first business is flying people from California to Las Vegas. This is in the fifties and sixties. Las Vegas is, like, not really a thing yet, but gambling is legal there. And all these rich Hollywood folks wanna go to Vegas for the weekend, he's their guy. He flies him out there. So he flies him out there, and he starts getting into gambling while he's there as well. And so through his gambling, as well as his very small business of flying people out there, he starts buying more and more planes. And over the course of, like, fifteen years, he kinda has a meaningful business to the point where he's like, forty three or forty four years old, and he's making the equivalent of, like, two million dollars a year in profit. And so he's got a good business. Well, He sells this airline business for ten million dollars, which is like the equivalent of ninety million dollars today. He sells it in his forties, and that's really where things start taking off. With that money, he buys,
Coming soon!