Right? And I'm not afraid to say it. I'm not ashamed of the things I wanted. I was like, I that sounds awesome. I could choose between less money and more money, I'm choosing more money. Right? That was very obvious to me at the time. And when I looked at how much you could make in a certain amount of time, the first, let's say ten years of your career, I was like, wow. Okay. Finance, I might be able to get there, but not really these other paths. Okay. Maybe I can do it in finance or consulting, but do I have to do to get there? Oh, man. I gotta grind to eighty, ninety hours a week kind of as the low man on the totem pole, and I'm just like an Excel monkey, and I'm like, you know, I'm not building I'm not anything new, and I'm not building my own business. I'm, like, just this kind of, like, middle man, that's what it felt like.
Coming soon!