but then he also got he got charged with rape. And he also was, you know, the whole hit him up thing with with all these other guys. He was fighting. And I what I love about him is that he was a flawed character who was mostly good, and he redeemed himself, like, he would screw up, and then he he was he was a rich character, and I was drawn to that. I'm like, I got flaws. You know, I had substance abuse issues, and I overcame them, and I did all this stuff. And I was drawn by people who screwed up and overcame, and then maybe screwed up again and overcame and had this rebellious bold part of it. And that's why I was drawn to it, even though can't relate anything to selling drugs or to I can't predict any of that. Well, even some of those charges, like, you know, with Tupac, we're not here to defend a
Coming soon!