me on, like, health eating. I bookmarked his thing yesterday. Save. It was, like, the four points four thing. It, like, you know, basically, he's, like, America has, like, you know, a twenty percent obesity rate or something like that in young kids. And, like, other countries have four percent. Here's the four things we should do, effective immediately to turn this around. And I was like, sir, yes, sir. You know? Yes. I've never met this guy, but God damn. He's convincing. He is so convincing. And so his company, and he does it in such a good way because his company is a very specific thing. HSA spending, and you can buy, like, healthy stuff. I think you could buy, like, an Eight Sleep mattress or whatever using, like, your insurance, something something like that. But anyway, he'll he his whole crusade is on my processed foods and over and being overweight and things like that. And so he's, like,
Coming soon!