Kia whatever it was, but obviously spell it with the k n. Right. And then, you know, make a deal with them. Like, I'm gonna send you this. You know, I want twenty percent of all those leads. And what is your what would your website look like at that time? And be like, hey, this is the k n card. Go ahead and go buy her. Would you be like, you know, he would you just make it look like the Kia website? What would you actually do? I think I would just, you know, explain it. Like, hey, you know, it look it's it says KN, but it's actually Kia. And, you know, here's the reasons why this car is really cool. And here's a form to actually buy this car, and I can get you a great deal on it. Right. And then, you know, obviously send that lead over and, you know, everyone's happy at that point. They actually find the car that they wanted. You know, it wasn't Kia, but, you know, it was the KN card that they had found. How much do you think somebody can make if they they did this? What's your range? What's your estimate of how how that would play out? If you if you did a good job, executing that. I think if you did a good job, I mean, the problem now is Google auto correct. So Google now, I even did the searches myself. Right. It it goes to the actual Kia. Like, hey, I know what you're trying to do. Right. So you'd have to kind of find that, like, where doesn't it do that? Is it the App Store or is it some, like, other you know, place to do that. Right. And I think you could I mean, when you get like a really good misspelling of really high priced items,
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