what I however would have thought. And at the time, when when Nazis came to power or right before they came power, they were the the freaks of Germany. Like, at the time, they were, like, they had a lot of homosexuals in their in in the crew, which was, like, not looked on nicely, you know, at that time, they had, like, a bunch of artists, a bunch of, like, oddballs. People who are, like, had a lot of antisocial behavior. Like, they dressed funny. Like, people are like, who are these guys are a joke? No one's have ticked these idiots seriously. And it, you know, it changed quickly. And so anyway, I thought that was fascinating about conquers and, like, these types of people and, like, how on earth they they came to be. And so I wanted to ask you, like, what are some common traits amongst those? Do you feel weird learning lessons from the life of Hitler?
Coming soon!