you know, we we're working on this project. I really wanted to get more done, but I got a phone call. I got distracted. It's like they were, like, some people were, like, real they some people got off on high output. And so their happiness was, like, It's like, oh, yeah. We had to do that team meeting. And so I didn't get to go work on my prod. I didn't get to write enough code today, or it'd be, like, something really, really small. It's like, yeah, I'm really dealing with this kinda, like, pain so this chair is really uncomfortable. It was always things that I wouldn't have otherwise seen, and so it brought those to the surface. And then I could decide, is this something I could affect and, like, improve or do I just, like, at least I get a better understanding of them? So that was, like, one of the better products that we built. We probably should have productized it. And made it an actual, like, work tool for other people to use. Yeah. I used to use this thing called fifteen five. You remember that company?
Coming soon!