here's MPS data, all that kind of fun stuff. And, you know, again, you have to be careful on how much you use this information. Like, you you're using it to build, like, a profile. You're not using it to, like, immediately react to. And that's a complete mistake. A lot of people make. Sean and I had we brainstormed this a lot, and we were talking about how we both use glass door reviews because even though, like, glassdoor is typically, like, either fake or incredibly happy employees or, like, disgruntled employees. There's not really a middle. But, like, you could still get a lot of interesting information from there and you get in intermit information from, like, LinkedIn. Like, they'll say, like, you know, I manage a pipeline of, ten million dollar a year business. And like, oh, okay. Thanks for telling me. And, like, we would, like, we we we brainstorm this idea of this business where we I think we call it, like, I spy or something or, like, it involved, like, spying on, like, many people in a in a particular industry and just sending you an email because you can use like Facebook ads manager and be like, oh, wow. These guys just made a switch. They are now targeting older women as opposed to younger women. And we called it like spy something, and it's kind of funny you are for the NSA. You you you you you don't You are the spy that we were talking about. So, like, it is kind of interesting. I do think that actually a business could be built doing this.
Coming soon!