HRT or something like that. I don't know what he calls it. Human rejuvenation therapy. This is called that for sure. He's like, basically, you're gonna he's like, what we know is that you're living, by the way, is this boring or should I keep going? No. I'm looking at, I'm looking at what he's saying now as you go. Keep going Okay. So so, basically, he's saying, like, he's, like, one thing we noticed is that the damage is happening from the day we're born. Right? You your cells function, you damage, But you don't really feel the effects until you're, like, middle age or getting older. So forty, fifty, sixty, that's when you start to the damage starts to accumulate, and the cells start to die. And that's when green function slows down, muscle function slows down, reaction time slows down, is like, so it there's this, like, point where there's too much damage. So we need to give you a therapy before then. It's like, we can't just, like, modify your DNA so there's no damage happening. What we need to do is by the time you're thirty or forty, We need to be able to give you something that's gonna, like, repair the damage that's happening,
Coming soon!