a company that's success depends on the world being a certain way is gonna have a huge blind spot to the change in that that scenario. And this is, like, why for the innovator's dilemma, it's like, you would assume that the big company whose domain expertise is in this area They'll be the ones to invent that future. And it's almost never them that invents that future. It's some upstart who sees the world a little differently and says, oh, yeah. All that stuff, that's the old way. You screw that. We're gonna do it this new way. And the, you know, the big companies, like, sort of like, screw that. What do you mean? How? How could you screw that? That's That's the way the world is. And so you can sort of and then you get can you use that to your benefit? So, like, for you, for example,
Coming soon!