people, like, I know in our company. It's like, well, first, they have to it's kinda like IT. There's like, well, they need to have, like, a good home setup. Sam, you talked about this, like, need to not look like dog shit on camera whether internally or with our clients and our customers. So, like, how do we make sure everybody's got, like, a good zoom setup? Okay. Secondly, like, how do we create some best practices around remote working and and how to, like, you know, do stuff that's different now that we're not all in the office? We could just, like, look each other and talk to each other real quick. And, how do we set boundaries for different time zones? How do we plan meeting? You know, like, all of that, I think, is is definitely in in Location based pay. I mean, isn't this crazy, like, to your,
Coming soon!