Is it, you know, is it organically? Is it through social? Is it outbound or inbound sales? Like, I think he's, like, putting that whole thing together and having a good, clear direction of where the ship's sailing most important. I have, like, a little chart I always draw people of, like, north, south, east, west. Like, you wanna go north. You wanna get this cone going north right. You wanna be heading this direction. You're not gonna be straight dead north, but you wanna be, like, not heading south for too long or you'll die. And those are a factor of, like, all those kind of, like, you know, terraces I talked about earlier, which is, like, just commercialization plan, how you're gonna make money, how you're gonna fund it, but you're gonna fund the business, whether it's, like, organically, or you're gonna raise capital, and team you're gonna bring on, the culture you go build and execution of the product, like, all those have to be, like, very thoughtful and driven in the right direction. And, you know, we have this to figure. Right? Like, we're going to BMW. We're going to these industrial settings,
Coming soon!