And where he learned about, like, where does money come from? How should it be accounted for? How do, great operations look like? He's got this great line where he goes, oh, how blessed the young men are who have struggled a foundation in the beginning of life. I'll never cease to be, grateful for the three and a half years I spent as an apprentice. And so that's where he learns all about, the the the the the ability to overcome, to adapt, to get a skill. And so that kinda changed my life. There's this other great book called Mass by Robert Green, and the whole book is about on how you should develop a skill because in learning that skill, it teaches you in, how to master something and it also opens doors for you. And you could use that skill in other unrelated fields, and that's how you become incredibly successful. I'm a big fan of learning skill and John Rockefeller is one of the guys who taught me the importance of that. I used to think being a generalist was good, not anymore. I don't think that anymore, and it's because of this book, Titan.
Coming soon!