There's just a few other services where they make fake data. And the reason they do this is if you have a sensitive thing like a bank startup, you put a whole bunch of fake data in it, and it, like, makes up people, and you can test your data because you can't use, like, you know, obviously real social security numbers when you're things and they would make up fake stuff just to test the software and make sure it all works. Tonic, I think it's called tonic dot ai. It's the and then it says the fake data company. We talked about them on the pot. I love this idea. I've been trying I forgot. I need to invest in this. Yeah. I think it's a cool thing. And so also with GP t three, whatever it's called, I was, like, thinking, I'm, like, dude, I should just I'm not gonna do this, but maybe I I was like, I should just make up fake fake reviews for all of my, like, products and you could just, like, make up fake reviews, or you could, like, make up negative reviews for all your competitors' products.
Coming soon!