We actually one of my favorite memories has kind of gotten, like, lost in, in the internet archives is we issued a million dollar bet to anyone on Wall Street. And we were like, we'll take Bitcoin. You take any other asset. Like, just pick anything. Over the next ten years, if you beat us, like, you get a million bucks, if Bitcoin outperforms, we get a million bucks, and no one took it. And so at some point, you're just like, okay. That's enough of a signal that, like, people may not have conviction, but they also, like, know the person not to bet against. And I think, like, that's something in UFC is, like, you may look at, like, a card, and you're like, okay. I think I know who's gonna win, like, these five, you know, matches. But that one match, I think I know who's gonna win, but I'm not gonna bet against the other person. So I'm gonna, like, sit that one out. I feel like, a lot of times there's that level of conviction across the market. And so Amazon, you know, people knew it was like a pretty good company, but no one had the conviction to buy. Thing with Bitcoin when it crashed. Like, everyone was like, I think this is interesting, but, like, I don't have the conviction to buy. So, really, it's less of a leap sometimes than than people realize
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