I don't understand Like, did you not have a friend that was, like, it sounds like you were trying to trying to do a quick fix. If I can get the money back, if I could pay people back, then I'm not gonna get in trouble about the other thing. Is that is that accurate as what you were thinking? I I was scared at jail. Like, no one was picking up my calls anymore. I'm on, you know, on bond, I guess, And, like, I just couldn't, once again, I couldn't zoom out and understand the bigger picture where if I sat down, shut the fuck up. Yeah. Sure. I'll be broke for a couple of years, but I'll go to jail for two or three years. And I'll get out in my late twenties and, you know, have a chance to pay people back the right way. And I just, like, couldn't understand that. But, yeah, I think that, like, going forward, a big thought process for me, and it's been three months is, you know,
Coming soon!