I don't know. What were the numbers? And so she gives her the numbers. And say, like, I was like, okay. So let's draw the funnel. And she's like, what's a funnel? And I'm like, alright, just imagine, like, at the top, you know, you're getting leads, like, people who come to your website, and then some of them give you emails. Some of them time for free trial. Some of them actually show up, and then some of them become a fully paid customer. So we drew that phone out. It's like, Oh, actually, this conversion rate is kind of awesome. I was like, why do you and then and I was like, so what's your cost per lead? Is that really high? It's like, no. It's, like, not high at all. And this is with, like, you know, this, like, fifty dollar a day, hundred dollar a day ad budget. Like, it's just like, I don't even know how to do Facebook ads. I just put in, like, you know, a hundred, and I just wanted to see what would happen. And, like, I was like, wow, this is actually, like, this business is kind of amazing. So you pay back your customer in less than a month. She's like, I don't know. If you say something, like, yeah, like, that's what your numbers say. You basically pay back before your ads bill is even due. That's, like, the the ultimate, like, thing you want with the ads driven business is, like, to to get the revenue from a customer profitably before you even pay your credit card bill. And and to give the listener a contact, so it prices range from forty dollars a week to so you could alright. Alright. I understand. So you can get classes one day, two day, three day, four day a week. They it all ranges from, like, a hundred and sixty dollars a month to four hundred dollars a month. Yeah. And you get it's basically it's a the the tagline is actually quite good. It
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