But when he left, and I'm going to sleep, and it's just, you know, you know, I'm sitting there. I'm in bed, my dog's in the bed. And, like, my mind is, like, making up straight up. I was just making up, like, scientific theories in its head. Like, you know, that state where you're dreaming, but you're, you know, like, lucid dreaming or whatever. You're, like, kinda, like, half asleep. And so I was half asleep, but my mind was like, oh, but then the vector has to go to the scaler and then it has to, you know, the order of magnitude. And I was like, then I'd wake up, like, what the fuck am like, what the fuck is going to my head? This is not even this is gibberish. This is a scientific gibberish, and that straight up happened, like, the whole night. So, not a great Be prepared to be under
Coming soon!