And that same guy goes and he pedals that all the other newsletters. It's like, yeah, this is what Russell did. This is what Bill Crow did. It does. It's like, and we did with a small percentage of what we were doing. And as soon as we were able to test it, we were like, oh, screw this. Why why would we want a subscriber number? Like, unless you're trying to dupe somebody. You don't want a subscriber number that's not real. Right? Like, real subscribers is the only way to build a real business. And, you know, I talked to the morning group guys, and I think they're they're also very, like, they, I think, just straight measure on, like, what does this lead to in terms of clicks on our ads? Yeah. Like, or, like, conversion even, you know, from How many people buy our advertising stuff? Buying something. Right? Like, if you because if I'm if I'm getting you as a customer, that's the right way to do it. Right? That's the the sustainable way to do but I don't think people, you know, kids these days. They're doing it differently than than back in our day. One one year ago. Yeah. I remember way back on six months ago. No. That that's how they have to do it. And they also, another thing is I talked to another guy, and I was like, well, of your list, how many if you said that you were hosting an AI event that was free, how many people are gonna show up? He's like, oh, we'd sell out immediately. I'm like, great. Then you're doing that that sounds like you're doing it correctly. And then I talked to another guy. I'm like, well, many people would show up to this event? And they're like, well, no one. I'm like, well, well, then this this business sucks. Like, they're they're not they're not real.
Coming soon!