You're right. I'm wrong. I am so sorry. And I went immediately to the grocery store. It bought as much crap as we could. And, like, I had, like, storage. We I remember, like, I I I was like, you're right. Now I understand why why people are afraid of this stuff and why I like the peppers exist. You're totally right. And ever since then, my opinion has has changed on, a lot of this stuff. So, maybe it's like a man thing when you get a little bit older. Is there having a family? I'm not sure what it is, but COVID definitely opened my eyes to, like, you know, it's nice to prepare for just the worst case scenario. I know a lot of guys who go way overboard and they like, they have two years worth of stuff. I'm not Yeah. It's a slippery slope. That's the thing I'm prepping is it's a very slippery slope, and you gotta have the discipline Hey, I don't need more than two weeks worth of crap to keep my family alive. But you wanna know the other issue? It's really, really fun. All the gadgets, like, the different flashlights, the different generators. Like, I just love gadgets. So I just buy this stuff all the time. I just bought Sarah this, like, thing that will break your glass if it go if your car goes underwater. You're like, when am I ever gonna use this? I'm like, probably never, but, like, it's sick. It was, like, twelve bucks at Amazon. Like, I love all that crap. I've been doing it all. If you're listening, the best way to save a life best way to save life is put a tourniquet in your glove box. Everybody should have a tourniquet because a motorcyclist
Coming soon!