for kind of starting the spark of the whole thing. And and really I'm even thankful for you posting all the data and using the customer acquisition from the stuff that I sent you. You know, I sent you all the new stuff. So you don't you know what happened? Sam may not know. So, basically, he came on. He did the rhythm of existence. He sent us the the Excel PDF. We post on Twitter, and it was kind of over. And then, like, a year later, I was like, alright. I'm gonna start building my email list. And I was like, how do I get fans of the show? The the the like minded people? How do I get my type of people to subscribe? I don't just want any subscriber. I want the right type of person. I was like, what would the right type of person be into? I was like, oh, dude. The Rob the Rob Deirdek, the that that rhythm of existence sheet, the time tracker, I think they would be nerding out about that. Like, that's my type of nerd. And so we put it up as a lead magnet, which was like, hey, come, you know, your email in and get the you he'll share his thing with you. And, we started spending a bunch of money. Rob emails me, like, I don't know, six months ago. He's like, bro, You're blowing me up with this sheet. You know, it's all good, but you gotta update the photo. You're using the wrong photo from from over here. And so we update the photo. And I was like, oh, man. Feel bad. We take the whole ad down. We start putting putting something else up, but it was a it was a a moment of embarrassment.
Coming soon!