I have, like, this chip in my brain now that that has to get to the root source of every product I feel, which is what you do. Whenever and your aunt sent you a birthday card. Well, when I see a building, like, a huge warehouse, if the where like, if it's a massive warehouse and there's a sign on it, I always look up What's the story of that? Right. I always do that. So, yeah, but I was thinking that, like, you know, when people are excited about AR or, like, when Google Glass came out, And they're like, oh, it's great. You'll be able to read your email, or you'll be able to, like, see directions, you know, like the map will be in front of your eyes. And I was like, the killer app of this is I just look at somebody and it tells me who they are. Like, I can just, like, you know, like, when you you stalk someone, you see someone interesting, you, like, try to look them up. You find their Instagram. You see what their life's all about.
Coming soon!