scavenger hunts, and they were the best. It was so fun. And I got to see some of the, like, economics of, like, some of these in person stuff. And I was actually pretty shocked at how great some of these could be. There was a lot of work. And then we have another friend, Nick Gray. Did you know Sean that Nick Ray had a business called Museum Hack. And he eventually sold it, and it was doing many, many millions in revenue. And the way the business worked, where it was He eventually or at first, it was just like Gorilla where he was he would like go to the I think it was met the the met, in, New York, it's a free museum, and people would pay fifty dollars, and he would give them a tour of the museum, and he would explain the the art. And then eventually, he hired lots of theater kids to lead these tours. And he had them set up in a variety of museums throughout the country. Eventually, he had a partnership after they, like, kicked him out a bunch of times. And, he said that business was awesome. Did I I love the way he described it too. He uses the phrase renegade Museum tours. I just thought that was just a great way to pitch it. He's like, yeah, I my first business, I hosted renegade Museum Tours. It doesn't really explain what it is, but you try to put it all together. And the word renegade, I feel like, is,
Coming soon!