You know, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on a blah blah blah. It's like, dude, that's podcaster versus real person. And so I was I, like, literally switched into Sam mode, and I started being, like, I was, like, what do you know? And then he shares us in hilarious thing. He's, he goes, yeah. Dude, and you you you would have been like, how much was it? I was like, how much you get the phone for? He's like, dude, he's crazy. He's like, you have to buy these things for, like, thousands of dollars. He's like, I paid fifteen thousand for one phone. And I thought, shit, this phone must be made out of gold because he's like, but you have to do it because to get the phone in, they gotta grease, you know, one guy to get one guy to get another guy. You gotta bribe five guys to get this in. And so, like, you know, you gotta pay that vig. And he's like, most guys I was like, so what do you use it for? Exactly. Your question. He goes he goes, yeah, most guys could use it for porn. He's like, said, for me, I'm on I'm on GitHub and, like, Con Academy. And porn, I did that too. But, like, you know, I'm one of the guys using this for, like, advanced math also, you know, under the covers. Listen to this. And that little magic moment that came out -- Yeah. It was crazy. -- it's like, that doesn't happen. That doesn't happen unless
Coming soon!