a hundred intelligent reps. So it's like, do it. And then the next one, you have to be like, what could I do better? Oh, my hook was a little weak there. Or Oh, you know, it droned on too long, or I don't really have a point. Maybe this shouldn't have been a story. Maybe it shouldn't have been something else. And so hundred reps were each one, you try to say, what's one thing I could do better than last time? Just one thing. That's it. And then you just keep going. And if you could do a hundred of those, then I bet your stories will work. It's not gonna be it's not gonna feel forced because you'll learn the skill through those hundred reps. This is the mister Beastism of, he's like, everybody asked me, like, how do you do YouTube good? He's like, I tell them all the same exact thing. Make a hundred videos and every video make make Do something better than you did before. Any well, anything. Doesn't even matter what it is. One thing better than four, do a hundred, then come back and talk to me. And he's like, two things happen. First of all, nobody does it. They all wanted just, like, some answer. They had no act no intention of actually going and doing the work.
Coming soon!