maybe that's something more people are gonna wanna do. Why would he wanna do this? Why are people choosing plant based lifestyles? What is that all about? You know, like, what and so now I lean in anytime we discover these things, and that's become some of the best a, like, either, like discoveries, life changes I can make or, b, investments. It's a great way to invest because you're actually on the, like, the cutting edge of stuff, you're in early, which is I just moved forward, obviously. There's a book on, like, a famous business book on it where where he talks. I think it's crossing the or something. We talked about, like, early adopters and then, like, the there's basically this, like, bell curve of people where it's, like, in the beginning of the bell curve, it's, like, late people who are late to it, and then, like, the middles, like, the average Joe, and there's, like, early adopters, and there's one more, like, cutting edge. And you and I both have, like, a handful of friends which I would actually say that I I forget the names of them, but in that bell curve, there's people who are getting their names because you got the idea right, but you,
Coming soon!